July 16th

 Box Contents:

1.5 lbs Mixed Heirloom Tomatoes

2 Slicing Cucumbers

1 basket Shishito Peppers

1 Yellow Watermelon

1 bu Italian Parsley

3/4 lb Japanese Eggplant

1 lb Santa Rosa Plums

 Box Notes: The Shishito Peppers are making their first appearance this week. They are a mild pepper that is best sautéed quickly in a heavy skillet (see recipe below). Shishitos are similar to Pimiento de Padrons but don’t have the spicy element. We are harvesting the yellow watermelons for the first time this season. They are a quenching, sweet treat especially when temperatures are predicted to be triple digit this week.

 Field Notes: Thank goodness, the County Fire is 100% contained and the fire crews have moved along to put their time and effort into other fires happening throughout the state. While the western hillsides of the valley look charred in patches, there are still some trees and vegetation. The fire responders did an incredible job of keeping the fire away from homes and barns on the valley floor be creating effective fire breaks. Hopefully in the future, any wildfires in this region will be less ferocious because the fuel load has been greatly reduced by the County Fire.

 Web Store Highlights


You can now get full cases of canning and sauce tomatoes as well as pickling cucumbers on the web store.

New pork shares are also available. Place orders for any of our pastured pork or chicken via the web store.

We offer 6 types of seasoned sausage, ground pork, pork cuts, bacon, ham, pork bone broth, and whole pastured chickens.

July 9th 2018

 Box Contents:

1 & 1/2 lbs Mixed Heirloom Tomatoes

2 Slicing Cucumbers

1 lb Mountain Rose Potatoes

1 Muskmelon

1 bu Carrots

.75 lb Mixed Summer Squash

1 lb Santa Rosa Plums

 Box Notes: July is tomato time. Each year, we grow over 50 colorful varieties of tomatoes.

We’ll be featuring a changing selection of tomatoes in the veggie boxes for most of the

summer. Some weeks we’ll include mixed cherry tomatoes, other weeks you’ll see mixed

heirlooms and some weeks you’ll see Early Girls toms. You’ll also be seeing a variety of

potatoes throughout this month. We harvested the fist yellow watermelons and cantaloupes

last week so they’ll be appearing soon. The carrots are almost done for the summer season

as they prefer to grow in the cooler seasons. Last week was the first cucumber harvest so

they are the cream of the crop: mild, no need to peel the skin, and juicy/quenching!

 Field Notes: The County Fire grew wildly over the past week but thanks to the incredible

fleet of fire responders from all over the state, it’s now up to 73% contained. We are seeing

greatly reduced smoke and barely any smoldering remnants of the fire in the hills. The

hillside/wilderness landscape is charred. It’s hard to fathom that just one week ago we were

fearful of property damage because the fire line was so close but the fire breaks that Calfire

created and the backburns that they orchestrated were effective in containing the fire.

Looking at the fires happening throughout the state and the loss of homes/structures, we are

really sympathizing with the people who reside near regions that are vulnerable to wildfires

after experiencing the threat of fire here. We hope that Calfire begins a program of

wilderness management throughout the state that includes controlled fires to reduce the fuel

load of vegetation that has accumulated over the years causing inferno-like conditions.

Thank you for your concern about our safety. We appreciate your kind words!

 Web Store Highlights:

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale!

Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

You can now order a Frog Hollow Farm CSA box (or two!) for delivery with your Riverdog

Farm CSA Veggie box, or web store order. The Frog Hollow fruit is CCOF-certified organic.

 The catch: you must make your one time or weekly order no later than Sunday at

midnight for delivery the coming week. Frog Hollow fruit boxes come packed full of 3-4

varieties of exceptionally tasty, seasonal, tree ripened stone fruit. Summer fruit boxes

contain 7 lbs. of mixed CCOF-certified organic stone fruit that include many varieties of

peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots. Visit their web site: www.froghollowcsa.com to learn

more about their CSA program, farm, ethos and fruits.

 Each Fruit Box is $27.75

Event Announcement: The Hoes Down Harvest Festival isn’t happening this year. The

event organizers decided to take a break. The festival will resume in October 2019.

July 02, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb Santa Rosa Plums

1 ½ lbs Early Girl Tomatoes

1 lb Purple Majesty Potatoes

¾ lb Mixed Summer Squash

1 bu Carrots

1 bu White Spring Onions

1 bu Curly Kale

Important Holiday Schedule Announcement!

All members with Wednesday CSA deliveries scheduled for 7/4 (next week):

 Your boxes will be delivered to your regular pick up site on Tuesday July 3rd.


Box Notes: New this week: the early girl tomatoes have returned! We are very pleased to be harvesting these once again after 28 years of growing this favorite flavorful variety. And we’re so pleased to have Santa Rosa plums in quantity. The fruit set was dense this year, with each plum sizing up much bigger than previous years.

Wishing you a Happy 4th of July this week. Erin created a special veggie box this week a red, white and blue theme (red: Early Girl Tomatoes, white: onions, blue: potatoes). Please welcome Christian as our new CSA manager. We said a sad goodbye to Erin who has been at the farm for a few years. She’s heading north to cooler climes and going back to her northwestern roots. Farewell Erin and welcome aboard Christian!

Field Notes: A wildfire started Saturday afternoon around 2 pm. It has grown to a 44,500 acre wild land fire that is only 3% contained as of Monday am. The farm, crops and residents are safe as the irrigated valley floor is moist and protected. While the smoke. ashes and flames in the hills have been scary, we are feeling safe but remain on high alert for any major wind changes. Thank you to all the fire fighters, from San Juan Bautista to Orange County to LA to Nevada County (from everywhere) from all levels of government (there are 1000 of them on scene!) for protecting us and our homes!

Event Announcement: The Hoes Down Harvest Festival isn’t happening this year. The event organizers decided to take a break. The festival will resume in October 2019.

Web Store Highlights:

 To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale!

Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

You can now order a Frog Hollow Farm CSA box (or two!) for delivery with your Riverdog Farm CSA Veggie box, or web store order. The Frog Hollow fruit is CCOF-certified organic. The catch: you must make your one time or weekly order no later than Sunday at midnight for delivery the coming week. Frog Hollow fruit boxes come packed full of 3-4 varieties of exceptionally tasty, seasonal, tree ripened stone fruit. Summer fruit boxes contain 7 lbs. of mixed CCOF-certified organic stone fruit that include many varieties of peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots. Visit their web site: www.froghollowcsa.com to learn more about their CSA program, farm, ethos and fruits.

Each Fruit Box is $27.75


June 25, 2018 Veggie Box News

Box Contents:

1 lb. Mixed Summer Squash

1 bskt. Mixed Medley Cherry Tomatoes

1 lb. French Fingerling Potatoes

1 bu. Basil

1 bu. Carrot

1 lb. Red Onions

1 hd. Savoy Cabbage

1 bu. Green Chard

Important Holiday Schedule Anouncment!

All members with Wendsday CSA deliveries scheduled for 7/4 (next week).

 Your boxes will be delivered to your regular pick up site, on Tuesday July 3rd.


Box Notes: Basil, French Fingerling potatoes, and Summer Squash are making their first appearances in the veggie box this week. The French Fingerlings (and fingerling potatoes in general) have a waxier texture than the Yukon Gold or German Butterball potatoes. They make great hash browns (grated and cooked in oil in a skillet) because they hold their form. They also make a great potato salad for the same reason (not crumbly). 

Field Notes: We experienced a heat wave over the weekend with temps reaching up to 106 degrees and a power outage Sunday night due to a downed power pole along State Route 16. Then the wildfires started just north of the farm in Lake County but we are out of harm’s way and it hasn’t gotten too smoky. Luckily, this week’s forecast is expected to be cooler with temps in the low and mid 90s. The winds have slowed down too so hopefully, the wildfires will get under control.

We’re excited to be growing sweet corn again this year! We’ll start the sweet corn harvest in about 10 days. During the 3 drought years, we decided to not grow sweet corn due to its heavy water requirements. After last year’s heavy winter rainfall we were able to grow sweet corn and are doing it again this year. Always popular at the farmer’s market and in the CSA boxes, sweet corn is a summertime favorite. Also, eggplant and sweet peppers are soon to come.

Event Announcement: The Hoes Down Harvest Festival isn’t happening this year. The event organizers felt they needed a break so the festival will resume in October 2019.

Web Store Highlights:

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale! Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.) 

You can now order a Frog Hollow Farm CSA box (or two!) for delivery with your Riverdog Farm CSA Veggie box, or web store order. The Frog Hollow fruit is CCOF-certified organic. The catch: you must make your one time or weekly order no later than Sunday at midnight for delivery the coming week. Frog Hollow fruit boxes come packed full of 3-4 varieties of exceptionally tasty, seasonal, tree ripened stone fruit. Summer fruit boxes contain 7 lbs. of mixed CCOF-certified organic stone fruit that include many varieties of peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots. Visit their web site: www.froghollowcsa.com to learn more about their CSA program, farm, ethos and fruits.

Each Fruit Box is $27.75


June 18, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu Carrots

½ lb Almonds

1 lb Mtn. Rose Potatoes

1 bu Curly Kale

1 lb Yellow Onions

1 bu Basil

1 bu Green Dandelions

1 bu Chioggia Beets

Box Notes: We’re including 2 bunches of greens in your veggie box this week because the greens season is almost over. We’re thrilled to share that the cherry tomato and frying pepper harvest started last week, unexpectedly early. We will include them in the veggie boxes soon. The cherry toms and peppers usually start in early July but due to mild spring weather and early transplant-ability, the small tomato fruit started to mature very early. Summer squash will also be starting very soon. We are looking forward to the full swing of the harvest of the summer crops.

Field Notes: For June, other than the 102 degree day we experienced last week, the daytime temperatures have been mild. The conditions are perfect for the ripening of the Santa Rosa plums, the tomatoes, the summer squash, the peppers, and the eggplant. Our water supply for the summer looks good too. Reliable water releases from Indian Valley Resevoir and Clear Lake are keeping the Cache Creek water levels high enough to ensure a good irrigation flow. Despite a lower than average rainfall year, the reservoir levels are high enough for the water district to release water into Cache Creek until the late fall.

Web Store Highlights: 

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale! Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

Big news! We are excited to announce a new partnership with our fruit farming friends at Frog Hollow Farm. You can now order a Frog Hollow Farm CSA box (or two!) for delivery with your Riverdog Farm CSA Veggie box, or web store order. The catch: you must make your one time or weekly order no later than Sunday at midnight for delivery the coming week. Unfortunately no fruit delivery is available on Tuesdays at the Napa Fatted Calf. Frog Hollow CSA boxes come packed full of 3-4 varieties of exceptionally tasty, seasonal, tree ripened stone fruit. Summer CSA boxes contain 7 lbs. of mixed stone fruit that include many varieties of peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots. Visit their web site: www.froghollowcsa.com to learn more about their CSA program, farm, ethos and fruits.

Each Frog Hollow Fruit box is $27.75

June 11, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Carrots

1 lb. Broccoli

1 lb. Russian Banana Fingerlings

1 bu. Green Chard

1 bu. Red Torpedo Spring Onions

1 lb. Scarlet Queen Turnips

1 bu. Red Beets

1 hd. Green Cabbage

Box Notes: Each year, we grow many varieties of potatoes. The favorites include the Yukon Gold, the German Butterball, the Yellow Finn and the fingerlings. The yield/harvest is great this year. This week’s veggie box features the Russian Banana Fingerlings, a variety that San Francisco Specialty Produce describes as having “soft, gold flesh that cooks to a fluffy texture and has a full-bodied, buttery, and nutty taste”.  All of our potato varieties are currently “new”, meaning that they’ve just come out of the soil, the skin has not yet set so no need to peel the skin, it’s so thin and tender, it’s barely there.

Field Notes: June has been mild so far, knock on wood. The Santa Rosa plums are ripening beautifully. Our onion crop has sized up and will be harvested in late June for curing. The great thing about onions is that they are less perishable than the other delicate crops we grow. The onions will keep for months once they are cured in burlap sacks in the field. Stored in a cool, dark place the onions stay fresh for quite some time. We will feature them in the veggie boxes throughout the summer as a staple cooking item and will bring them to each of our 4 farmer’s markets weekly. One of my favorite, most vivid memories is a beautiful onion harvest scene: while visiting farmer friends at Livepower Community Farm in Covelo, there were onions, single layer on pallets for ventilation, drying on the dirt floor of a barn. The onions were huge orbs with dark yellow skins. It was in the late summer and we went to the Eel River to cool off. We tried to grow the same variety the following year but ours never got quite that big. This year we might come close to the size of those magnificent onions.                                         

Web Store Highlights:

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale! Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

Big news! We are excited to announce a new partnership with our fruit farming friends at Frog Hollow Farm. You can now order a Frog Hollow Farm CSA box (or two!) for delivery with your Riverdog Farm CSA Veggie box, or web store order. The catch: you must make your one time or weekly order no later than Sunday at midnight for delivery the coming week and unfortunately no fruit delivery is available on Tuesdays at the Napa Fatted Calf. Frog Hollow CSA boxes come packed full of 3-4 varieties of exceptionally tasty, seasonal, tree ripened stone fruit. Summer CSA boxes contain 7 lbs. of mixed stone fruit that include many varieties of peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots. Visit their web site: www.froghollowcsa.com to learn more about their CSA program, farm, ethos and fruits.

Each box is $27.75

June 4, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Basil

1 hd. Napa Cabbage

¾ lb. Shelling Peas

1 lb. Broccoli

1 bu. Carrots

2 lb. Fresh Red Onions

1 bu. Green Curly Kale

Box Notes: Welcome June! June is the month when we begin to harvest many first-of-summer crops. Basil is one of them that everyone gets excited about. This fragrant, deep green herb flew off the table at our Saturday Berkeley Farmer’s Market where we had 20 bunches of the first harvest. Our last spring planted broccoli crop is coming in now. It’s a bit later than we hoped so the warm weather is making the heads a bit lighter in color but the flavor is still good.

Field Notes: One of our favorite customers, Camino Restaurant is celebrating their 10th anniversary by coming to the farm tomorrow for a tour and lunch. They will visit the packing shed, greenhouses, laying hen set-up and pigs. Thank you www.caminorestaurant.com/ for the weekly support of the farm for the whole decade that they’ve been open. We appreciate their commitment to the farm with their dedication to buying produce and pastured pork from us. They like to keep their menu fresh and seasonal by sourcing veggies and fruit harvested the day before delivery.

Web Store Highlights:

Tons of new items in the web store! New potatoes, braising greens, fresh onions and cabbage. There are also new pork shares available. Keep an eye out for the June Web-Store Highlights newsletter coming out with all necessary details and enticing photos soon.

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale! Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

Pastured meats – chicken and pork – are also available via the web store. Riverdog Farm’s specialties include our pork sausage (many flavors), whole Poulet Rouge chickens, and bacon cured and smoked by Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. Follow this link to our online store to see all of the farm direct products you can add to your csa delivery this week: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Upcoming Valley Events:

Cache Creek Lavender Festival:

JUNE 9 - 10, 2018 -3430 MADRONE STREET, RUMSEY, CA 95679

weekend of family fun in the fields! Harvest your own lavender, taste wines from Capay Vineyard, enjoy lavender ice cream & lemonade, listen to live music. Free admission.



May 28, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Asparagus

1 bu. Fennel

¾ lb. English Shelling Peas

¾ lb. Little Gem Lettuce

1 bu. Italian Parsley

1 bu. Red Beets

1 bu. Dino Kale

Box Notes: This will be the last week for asparagus. A few cases are still available for purchase in the web store if you haven’t had enough to satisfy your local asparagus craving for the year. The English shelling peas are best taken out of the pod as the pods are too fibrous to eat. They are great eaten raw in a salad, straight out of the bowl or slightly cooked (steamed or heated with pasta). Add a bit of chopped parsley to the pasta and peas and you have a tasty spring meal. This week’s beets are the first harvest from our spring planting of beets. Both the roots and the tops are edible and delicious. Steam or braised the beet greens like you’d cook spinach. This is likely the last of fennel for some time. The bulbs have begun to flower do to the heat this past weekend. The flavor of the fennel bulb is stronger when nearing the flowering stage of its life cycle and so delicious, though flowering fennel can use some added cooking time to soften it. I love grilling the elongated bulbs on low heat for a good 25 minuets and finishing with a drizzle of balsamic reduction.

Field Notes: The greenhouses are full of melon starts and the last seeding of tomato plants. We will soon begin to seed the fall crops of kale, chard, fennel, broccoli and cauliflower in trays in the greenhouse. The plastic that covers the greenhouse during the colder winter months will be replaced with shade cloth, creating a cooler microclimate for the fall crop seedlings. Temperatures are nearing 100 degrees here today. See the recipes below for our favorite salads of the season.

Web Store Highlights:

Case quantity Vegetables available: Last call for Asparagus! Little Gem lettuce, loose carrots and more. Get them while you can!

Pastured meats – chicken and pork – are also available via the web store. Riverdog Farm’s specialties include our pork sausage (many flavors), whole Poulet Rouge chickens, and bacon cured and smoked by Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. Follow this link to our online store to see all of the farm direct products you can add to your csa delivery this week: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Upcoming Valley Events:

Cache Creek Lavender Festival:

JUNE 9 - 10, 2018 -3430 MADRONE STREET, RUMSEY, CA 95679

weekend of family fun in the fields! Harvest your own lavender, taste wines from Capay Vineyard, enjoy lavender ice cream & lemonade, listen to live music. Free admission.



May 21, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Asparagus

1 bu. Carrots

¾ lb. Sugar Snap Peas

2 hds. Batavia Lettuce

1 bu. Curly Kale

1 hd. Green Cabbage

.5 lb. Broccoli 

1 bu. Green Garlic

Box Notes: Broccoli, Batavia head lettuce and green cabbage are back! This week’s veggie box is packed with springtime. All the bright green, sweet and crunchy veggies. Broccoli, and other brassicas like kale and cabbage are high in vitamins K, A and C. This will be one of the last weeks for asparagus and possibly peas as well, so enjoy them while they are here and order a case through the web-store if you haven’t already for your freezer.

Field Notes: Today’s high temperature was 87. It feels like the beginning of summer. Temperatures should be up in the nineties next week. We welcome the ease into summer temperatures that we have experienced this spring and hope it continues as long as possible. The transplanting and trellising of tomatoes continues daily. Our tractor drivers are busy cultivating. We hope to begin new potato harvest this week, you can look forward to them in the boxes soon!

Upcoming Valley Events:

Catch Creek Lavender Festival:

JUNE 9 - 10, 2018

UMSEY, CA 95679

weekend of family fun in the fields! Harvest your own lavender, taste wines from Capay Vineyard, enjoy lavender ice cream & lemonade, listen to live music. Free admission

Web Store Highlights:

Case quantity Vegetables available: Peas! Asparagus! Little Gem Lettuce! Loose Carrots and more. Get them while you can!

Our pastured meats – chicken and pork – are also available via the web store. Riverdog Farm’s specialties include our pork sausage (many flavors), whole Poulet Rouge chickens, and bacon cured and smoked by Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. We deliver our meat orders frozen to your CSA delivery site.

Follow this link to our online store to see all of the farm direct products you can add to your csa delivery this week: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

May 14, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Asparagus

1 bu. Carrots

¾ lb. Sugar Snap Peas

1 bu. Fennel

1-2 hds Bok Choy

1 bu. White Spring Onions

½ lb. Arugula

Box Notes: We hope everyone enjoyed Mother’s Day on Sunday. It was great weather for the Capay Valley Garden Tour. Many people visited the region to view the local flower gardens and farms. We even have a native plant nursery in Guinda. Chamisa Ridge was open last weekend for retail sales. New this week in the veggie box: spring fennel and snap peas! Asparagus may continue for about 2 weeks. Although delayed by the cool weather in March, it has been a great asparagus season.

Field Notes: The conditions have been perfect for transplanting and direct seeding of the fall crops. The organic triticale grain crop we grow for livestock feed is performing very well. We will harvest it in mid to late June. It’s taller than in previous years due to the steady rainfall and mild weather this spring. We also grow safflower as an organic feed crop. Growing our own grain helps reduce the cost of purchasing grain from Bar Ale in Williams.

Web Store Highlights: Check your inbox for this month’s web-store highlights newsletter!

Case quantity Vegetables available: Peas! Asparagus! Little Gem Lettuce! Loose Carrots and more. Don’t miss these sweet seasonal springtime sensations. Get them while you can!

Our pastured meats – chicken and pork – are also available via the web store. Riverdog Farm’s specialties include our pork sausage (many flavors), whole Poulet Rouge chickens, and bacon cured and smoked by Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. We deliver our meat orders frozen to your CSA delivery site.

Capay Valley Wine Stroll

Sunday May 20, 2018 from noon to 3 pm

Visit the wineries of the region and taste some local wine.




May 7, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Asparagus

1 bu. Carrots

¾ lb. English Shelling Peas

½ lb. Arugula

1 bu. Dino Kale

½ lb. Little Gem Lettuce

1 bu. Tokyo Turnip

Box Notes: This is the first week for English Shelling Peas! This type of pea must be shelled, that is: remove the peas from the pod because the shells are too fibrous to eat. The spring bunched greens harvest has begun. Spring greens are seeded mid-winter in the greenhouse. We transplant them during dry windows in February and start the harvest in early May. This planting will be continually harvested until it warms up in late June. The Little Gem Lettuce season will last until early June. Tokyo Turnips have two short seasons during the year, now and in the fall. Enjoy the spring crops while they’re here. We’ll be swimming in heirloom tomatoes, peppers and melons sooner than you know. Our tomato season runs from early July until mid-November.

Field Notes: Mild spring temperatures and continued cloud cover have kept the days mild and idyllic for harvesting, growing, and field prep. It looks as though this weather pattern is shifting with highs this week in the upper 80’s and up to 94 degrees next weekend. Spring is a short lived season in the Capay Valley.

Web Store Highlights: Check your inbox for this months web-store highlights newsletter!

Case quantity Vegetables available: Peas! Asparagus! Little Gem Lettuce! Loose Carrots and more. Don’t miss these sweet springtime sensations, get them while you can. 

Follow this link to see whats new: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Upcoming Events:  

Capay Valley Mothers Day Farm and Garden Tour May 13th, 10am to 5 pm. $10 per adult, children 12 and under are free.

Visit the breathtaking gardens of the Capay Valley! Come join in the delight of spring flowers, strolling through many of the Valleys’ finest gardens. Talk to the gardeners themselves and learn the secrets of their success. New gardens have been added this year as well as several points of interest along the drive though the valley. Many of the gardens are also showcases for agricultural production in the Capay Valley. You are welcome to picnic in the gardens, box lunches will be for sale at the Guinda Grange Hall using local ingredients.

Follow this link to purchase tickets and learn more: https://www.thecapayvalleygardentour.com

Capay Valley Wine Stroll

Sunday May 20, 2018 from noon to 3 pm

Visit the wineries of the region and taste some local wine.



April 30, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb. Asparagus

½ lb. Purple Snow Peas

1 bu. Curly Kale

½ lb. Little Gem Lettuce

1 bu. Torpedo Onions

1 bu. Scarlet Queen Turnips

1 lb. Purple Daikon 

Box Notes: The Little Gem Lettuce has returned and it’s delicious! http://www.copperhilloliveoil.com/ makes very good flavored vinegars. My favorite is the pomegranate. The vinegar is a great ingredient for an olive oil/vinegar salad dressing especially on the Little Gem Lettuce: gem halves, pink lady apple slices, fresh mandarin oranges, grated parmesan, thinly sliced torpedo onions, salt and pepper. You’ll want to absorb any drops of dressing left on the plate with a chunk of bread.

This is also the first week for the torpedo spring onions. This is a mild tasting, light red onion that’s elongated, torpedo shape. They are wonderful grilled or thinly sliced on salads.

Field Notes: Cloud cover and a light rain on Sunday have kept the temperatures down the past few days. The hills are staying green longer than usual and the fields of bright yellow wild mustard growing throughout the county are tall and vibrant.

Upcoming Events:

The California Honey Festival in Woodland, Saturday May 5, 2018, 10 am to 5 pm: https://californiahoneyfestival.com/.

Capay Valley Mothers Day Farm and Garden Tour May 13th, 10am to 5 pm. $10 per adult, children 12 and under are free.

Visit the breathtaking gardens of the Capay Valley! Come join in the delight of spring flowers, strolling through many of the Valleys’ finest gardens. Talk to the gardeners themselves and learn the secrets of their success. New gardens have been added this year as well as several points of interest along the drive though the valley. Many of the gardens are also showcases for agricultural production in the Capay Valley. You are welcome to picnic in the gardens, box lunches will be for sale at the Guinda Grange Hall using local ingredients.

Follow this link to purchase tickets and learn more: https://www.thecapayvalleygardentour.com

A new springtime event in the valley:

Capay Valley Wine Stroll

Sunday May 20, 2018 from noon to 3 pm

Visit the wineries of the region and taste some local wine.


Web Store Highlights:

Cases of Asparagus: 11 and 21 pound cases available. All asparagus $5/lb.

Loose Mixed Beets: 10 pound cases for $2/lb. and 25 pound cases for $1.50/lb. Great for juicing! Follow this link to shop the web store: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Spring Hams are available in the web-store:

Our pasture raised whole hams are bone in. Smoked and cured to perfection by Roundman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Hams are $11/lb. and range from 7-9 lbs.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible

April 23, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb. Asparagus

1 bu. Red Spring Onions

½ lb. Snow Peas

1 bu. Oregano

1 bu. Red Russian Kale

1 bu. Carrots

1 bu. Tokyo Turnips

1 bu. Red Beets

Box Notes: Our carrots and spring onions were featured in a delicious venison stew at the Cache Creek Conservancy First Foods Dinner last weekend. The Conservancy, located between Woodland and Esparto, is a 130 acre nature preserve that has a tending and gathering garden where plants used by Native Americans are grown. The meal highlighted traditional, indigenous foods grown by our farm including: stinging nettles, dandelion greens, and onions. The Conservancy’s primary program is plant restoration of the lower part of Cache Creek. Along with vegetation restoration, the Conservancy has a tending and gathering garden and offers learning opportunities to school groups and the public about the ecology, culture, and history of the Cache Creek watershed.

Snow peas are making their first appearance! This means that the snap and shelling pea harvest will follow soon. The harvest of the spring planting of Tokyo turnips has begun, as well as spring planted bunching greens. We’re holding on to spring as long as we can. It’s the most beautiful season in our region: the hillsides are a lush green and the air is sweet with the scent of blossoms. We do need to be mindful of the return of the rattlesnake season. They are out in full force this year with many sightings already reported. Check out this short clip on Instagram of a rattlesnake in action that I saw on Saturday at: guindcornerstore. It was bit too close for comfort. 

Field Notes: Spring-to-summer is the feeling this week with cool evenings and very warm days with the highest temperatures coming close to 90 degrees. Some rain is forecasted for later this week, which we are looking forward to. The later it rains in the springtime the better for all the recently transplanted crops, keeping the dust down and keeping the temperatures cooler.

Upcoming Events:

The California Honey Festival in Woodland, Saturday May 5, 2018, 10 am to 5 pm: https://californiahoneyfestival.com/.

Capay Valley Mothers Day Farm and Garden Tour May 13th, 10am to 5 pm. $10 per adult, children 12 and under are free.

Visit the breathtaking gardens of the Capay Valley! Come join in the delight of spring flowers, strolling through many of the Valleys’ finest gardens. Talk to the gardeners themselves and learn the secrets of their success. New gardens have been added this year as well as several points of interest along the drive though the valley. Many of the gardens are also showcases for agricultural production in the Capay Valley. You are welcome to picnic in the gardens, box lunches will be for sale at the Guinda Grange Hall using local ingredients.

Follow this link to purchase tickets and learn more: https://www.thecapayvalleygardentour.com

Web Store Highlights:

Cases of Asparagus: 11 and 21 pound cases available. All asparagus $5/lb.

Loose Mixed Beets: 10 pound cases for $2/lb. and 25 pound cases for $1.50/lb. Great for juicing! Follow this link to shop the web store: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Spring Hams are available in the web-store:

Our pasture raised whole hams are bone in. Smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Hams are $11/lb. and range from 7-9 lbs.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.


April 16, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb. Asparagus

1 bu. White Spring Onions

½ lb. Loose Arugula

1 bu. Spinach

1.5 lb. Baby Orange Carrots

1 bu. Red Beets

1 lb. Leeks

Box Notes: This week’s box contents represent the best of springtime: spring onions, arugula, asparagus, and young carrots. Each crop has their own distinctive flavor and in our northern CA growing climate, the season is brief for these delectable vegetables. All of our spring crops prefer cooler temperatures. While we harvest the spring’s splendor, we watch the summer crops grow and tend to them giving them the attention they need to thrive for the next 7 months.

Field Notes: One of our favorite seed variety discoveries in recent years is the purple daikon. We grow it for spring, winter and fall harvest. It is a mild flavored radish with a purple hue. When we sample the purple daikon at market, it flies off the table, along with the carrots, black Spanish radish, and even the raw turnips. The April showers have continued to keep the soil moist and are hydrating the recent transplants reducing our need to irrigate.

On the meat front, we are experimenting with some chicken sausage recipes at our processors Manas Custom Meats in Esparto and Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. As soon as the recipes come together, we will be offering pastured chicken sausage via our web-store. ETA on the chicken sausage availability is mid-May to early June.  

Upcoming Events:

The California Honey Festival in Woodland, Saturday May 5, 2018, 10 am to 5 pm: https://californiahoneyfestival.com/.

Capay Valley Mothers Day Farm and Garden Tour May 13th, 10am to 5 pm. $10 per adult, children 12 and under are free.

Visit the breathtaking gardens of the Capay Valley! Come join in the delight of spring flowers, strolling through many of the Valleys’ finest gardens. Talk to the gardeners themselves and learn the secrets of their success. New gardens have been added this year as well as several points of interest along the drive though the valley. Many of the gardens are also showcases for agricultural production in the Capay Valley. You are welcome to picnic in the gardens, box lunches will be for sale at the Guinda Grange Hall using local ingredients.

Follow this link to learn more: https://www.thecapayvalleygardentour.com

Web Store Highlights:

Cases of Asparagus: 11 and 21 pound cases available. All asparagus $5/lb.

Loose Mixed Beets: 10 pound cases for $2/lb. and 25 pound cases for $1.50/lb. Great for juicing! Follow this link to shop the web store: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Spring Hams are available in the web-store:

Our pasture raised whole hams are bone in. Smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Hams are $11/lb. and range from 7-9 lbs.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

April 9, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb. Asparagus

1 bu. Red Spring Onions

½ lb. Loose Arugula

¾ lb. Napa Cabbage Rabe

1 lb. Cauliflower

1 bu. Purple Carrots

1 lb. Mixed Radish

Box Notes: We hope to feature the asparagus weekly through the end of May. With moderate spring temperatures forecasted for the next few weeks, the production should be steady daily. The cauliflower has returned. We planted a crop last fall and it’s ready to harvest now. The farm produces spring onions, white, red and torpedo. The season for the spring onions is from now until late May. For the spring onions we seed the onion starts, then transplant the starts when they have two small green leaves, and harvest the young onions before the tops dry and before the onion bulb becomes large. We also plant onion starts that are slated for harvesting as dry onions that we cure and sell for many months from July to September as the cured onions keep well and have a longer shelf life.

Field Notes: Tuleyome.org organizes hikes and volunteer days for trail maintenance in the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument area, a beautiful wilderness area with public access just north of the farm. This Saturday, there will be a botanist-led wildflower tour of the region, starts at 10 am, meet at the Guinda Post Office. For more information, visit: tuleyome.org/events/.

Farm Dinners are scheduled at our neighbor’s Full Belly Farm once a month through the end of the year! They often feature Riverdog Farm’s pastured chicken and pork on the menus at their monthly farm dinners. To see the schedule and purchase tickets visit: http://fullbellyfarm.com/events/events-calendar/. This is a great way to visit the Capay Valley, immerse yourself in a delectable, 100% farm-sourced dinner and tour an organic farm.

Upcoming food event: The California Honey Festival in Woodland, Saturday May 5, 2018, 10 am to 5 pm: https://californiahoneyfestival.com/.

Spring Hams are available in the web-store!

Our pasture raised whole hams are bone in. Smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Hams are $11/lb. and range from 7-9 lbs.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

Don’t see a cut or roast you would like to purchase in the web store? Contact the office and let us know what you would like. We can accommodate custom orders given enough lead time. Just ask! 

April 2, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb. Asparagus

1 bu. Spinach

¾ lb. Loose Arugula

1 lb. Cauliflower

1 bu. Red Carrots

1 bu. Red Beets

 1 lb. Leeks


Box Notes: Asparagus is in full swing. We sold 300 bunches at the Saturday Berkeley Farmer’s market and are harvesting more today. Each day, the spears grow about 5 inches so we harvest the asparagus daily. Hopefully, the spring pea harvest will begin in 2 weeks. Lettuce will be returning soon.

Field Notes: Because the weather has been so mild, we managed to transplant some of the tomatoes last week. We set up irrigation lines for frost protection in the event that the nighttime temperatures get close to 32 degrees. By running the overhead sprinklers during any waves of cold weather, the plants are protected from frost. The formation of ice creates a layer of protection on the plants. An ice coating is better than frost because the frost breaks the plant cells whereas the ice doesn’t. But as always this time of year, we hope that the nighttime temperatures will not get that cold. Our frost-free date is usually mid-May or the last full moon in May. Since the full moon in May this year is not until the 29th, we’re hoping it won’t become too chilly for the young plants. We’ll also be direct seeding sweet corn in the coming weeks.

Farm Dinners are scheduled at our neighbor’s Full Belly Farm through the end of the year! They often feature Riverdog Farm’s pastured chicken and pork on the menus at their monthly farm dinners. To see the schedule and purchase tickets visit: http://fullbellyfarm.com/events/events-calendar/.

Upcoming food event: The California Honey Festival in Woodland, Saturday May 5, 2018, 10 am to 5 pm: https://californiahoneyfestival.com/.

Spring Hams are still available in the web-store!

Our pasture raised whole hams are bone in. Smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Hams are $11/lb. and range from 7-9 lbs.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

Don’t see a cut or roast you would like to purchase in the web store? Contact the office and let us know what you would like. We can accommodate custom orders given enough lead time. Just ask!

March 26, 2018

Box Contents:

¾ lb. Asparagus

1 bu. Spring onions

¾ lb. Loose Spinach

1 lb. Cauliflower

1 bu. Yellow Carrots

1 bu. Chioggia Beets

 1 lb. Rutabagas

Last Call for ham orders for delivery before the holiday weekend. Limited availability, hams currently in stock range from 7 to 9 pounds. Follow this link to order yours today: Riverdog Farm Web-Store. More detailed instructions below.

Box Notes: The cauliflower is back! Roasted or pureed in soups, this winter/spring crop is a filling brassica staple that provides many of the same nutrients as broccoli. Popular now as a carb substitute, it’s surprising to see cauliflower in grocery stores as a vegetable “rice”. You can make your own cauliflower rice at home. Here is a link to the method, step by step: www.everydaymaven.com/how-to-make-cauliflower-rice

Field Notes: This week is expected to be in the mid to high 70s with nighttime lows in the mid 50s, perfect growing conditions for the asparagus, leafy greens and peas which are on the horizon to harvest. We are beginning to harvest spring onions and are continuing with the spring garlic harvest. The tomato starts have filled the green house here at the farm, leeks are sprouting at Headstart Nursery in Gilroy where we have them custom seed our leeks, and we are seeding the peppers in trays this week. Our target date for transplanting the first of four tomato plantings is mid to late April with a first tomato harvest date of early July.

Spring Hams available in the web-store! Please keep in mind that hams ship frozen and will need a few days to thaw.

A pasture-raised ham is the simplest way to please an Easter crowd. Coat the ham in a citrus glaze, loosely cover with foil and heat. Our hams are bone in, smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Limited availability. Hams are $11/lb, range from 7-9 lbs and ship frozen.

When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

Farm Dinners are scheduled at our neighbor’s Full Belly Farm through the end of the year! They often feature Riverdog Farm chicken and pork on the menus at their monthly farm dinners. To see the schedule and purchase tickets visit: http://fullbellyfarm.com/events/events-calendar/.


March 19, 2018

Box Contents:

¾ lb. Asparagus

1 bu. Collard Greens

¾ lb. Baby Arugula

1 bu. Purple Carrots

1 bu. Green Garlic

 ¾ lb. Purple Daikon

1 hd. Green Cabbage

1 bu. Cilantro

Box Notes: Asparagus is here! Last night a frost hit the asparagus pretty hard, but we were able to pull just enough for the csa boxes. We are hoping for warmer nights or it will be a very short asparagus season. The spring carrots have returned. You can expect carrots in each veggie box weekly for the next few months. The purple and yellow carrots are more of a cooking carrot, while the orange carrots are great eaten raw, grated on salads, or sliced into sticks for dipping in hummus. Sprinkle chopped cilantro and chopped garlic on top of the hummus for an added zing of flavor or incorporate into the recipe to augment the clove garlic. The purple daikon also works well as a hummus-dipping device.

Field Notes: About an inch of rain has landed over the course of storms last week. We’re hoping for enough rain before summer so that Clear Lake can release water for irrigation from Cache Creek this year. Indian Valley Reservoir also serves as a source of water for Cache Creek so based on its current water level, we know the water will flow in Cache Creek this summer. Cache Creek, that runs from the north to the south on the east side of the floor of the Capay Valley, is an essential source of water for the fields where we grow crops adjacent to the creek. Some of these fields don’t have wells so they rely on the surface water of Cache Creek for irrigation. It’s also a primary source of drinking water for the wildlife in the region. Many wildlife trails lead to the water during the summer because the water sources are limited in the hills. Some natural springs run year round so they provide some drinking water too.

Spring Hams now available in the web-store! Order Your Spring Ham no later than Sunday 3/25 for delivery the week before Easter. Limited availability. Please keep in mind that hams ship frozen and will need a few days to thaw.

A pasture-raised ham is the simplest way to please an Easter crowd. Coat the ham in a citrus glaze, loosely cover with foil and heat. Our hams are bone in, smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Limited availability. Hams are $11/lb, range from 5-9 lbs and ship frozen. When shopping the web store, keep in mind you order will ship with the next scheduled delivery. Follow this link: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa to purchase your spring ham. When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.


March 12, 2018

Box Contents:

¾ lb. Baby Arugula

1 bu. Yellow Carrots

1 bu. Chioggia Beets

1 bu. Green Garlic

1 lb. Purple Top Turnips

2 hds. Napa Cabbage

2 hds. Batavia Lettuce

1 lb. Leeks

Box Notes: Spring is in the air around here! The native redbud that grows along the roads, field edges and in the hills is in full magenta bloom, the wild plums are showing their white flowers and the stone fruit orchards (apricots, peaches and plums) are revealing their pink and fuchsia blossoms. And the birds are chirping and singing, actively making their nests, feeding their offspring, and taking baths in any puddle they can find. The spring crops are making their appearance too: a new crop of arugula, green garlic harvested before the bulb divides into cloves, and lettuce for refreshing salads, all scrumptious produce to make your eating experience delightful.  The Napa cabbage is a quenching leafy green that makes great kimchi. When salt is added to the cabbage, the juices come out of the leaves creating a salt water bath for the leaves to ferment in. Add thinly sliced carrots, thinly slice beets, onions, whole chili peppers and green garlic to create a fabulous pickled vegetable side that can age in your refrigerator for weeks. For kimchi recipe ideas try: https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-easy-kimchi-at-home-189390.

Field Notes: Rain is expected this week – hooray! We’ve had a cloudy, humid Monday that feels like rain is coming. Steady rain for the rest of this month may bring the Clear Lake water level to the point where water can be released to Cache Creek to assist farmers with their summer irrigation needs. We need at least 2 more inches of rain to bring the lake’s water level high enough for the Yolo Water Conservation and Flood District to plan the releases.

Spring Hams now available in the web-store!

A pasture raised ham is the simplest way to please an Easter crowd. Cote the ham in a citrus glaze, loosely cover with foil and heat. Our hams are bone in, smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Limited availability. Hams are $11/lb. range from 5-9 lbs. and ship frozen. When shopping the web store, keep in mind you order will ship with the next scheduled delivery. Follow this link: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa to purchase your spring ham. When ordering please select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

The next food-focused festival in Yolo County is the California Honey Festival in Woodland, on Saturday May 5, 2018 from 10 am to 5 pm. For more information visit: https://californiahoneyfestival.com.










March 5, 2018

Box Contents:

2 hds. Batavia Lettuce

1 lb. Leeks

1 bu. Collard Greens

1 bu. Red Beets

1 bu. Green Garlic

1.5 lb. Mixed Daikon Radish

2 hds. Bok Choi

1 Butterkin Squash


Box Notes: Asparagus is on the horizon! It should be making a slightly-later-than-usual seasonal appearance in the coming weeks. Its arrival has been delayed by the extremely cold nights we’ve been experiencing. Once it gets going, we will feature this delectable treat in the veggie boxes each week for about 1 ½ months. Also up ahead, late April/early May: snow, sugar and snap peas, more Tokyo turnips, a variety of lettuce heads, more Little Gem lettuce, and spring onions.

Field Notes: We received over 1 ½ inches of rain last week. This amount of rain helped moisten the soil and settle the dust. It also helped water in some of the recently transplanted crops including: fennel, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, and lettuce. The air is so clear this week you can view Mt. Shasta, Mt. Lassen and the snow covered Sierra Mountain range from Woodland and the Central Valley. There are very few times of the year when the air quality is this clear. It’s a great month for hiking in the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument region, a combination of federally managed Bureau of Land Management land, and Yolo County parks connected via pedestrian and equine trails. The wildflowers are beginning to make their first appearance with a great showing of Dutchman’s Pipe last week. For hiking trail access and maps visit: yolohiker.org. The best valley for wildflower viewing is Bear Valley in Colusa County, accessible by vehicle via Hwy 20 near Wilbur Hot Springs.

Spring Hams Now available in the web-store!

A pasture raised ham is the simplest way to please an Easter crowd. Cote the ham in a citrus glaze, loosely cover with foil and heat. Our hams are bone in, smoked and cured to perfection by Roundsman's Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Limited availability. Hams are $11/lb. range from 5-9 lbs. and ship frozen. When shopping the web store, keep in mind you order will ship with the next scheduled delivery. Follow this link: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa to purchase your spring ham. When ordering select the number of pounds you would like your ham to weigh and we will choose a ham as close to that weight as possible.

The next food-focused festival in Yolo County is the California Honey Festival in Woodland, on Saturday May 5, 2018 from 10 am to 5 pm. For more information visit: https://californiahoneyfestival.com.